Friday, 27 November 2015

Why four out of five is the new average

Two out of three ain't bad in Meat Loaf's world and in hospitality four out of five has become the new average over the last decade. A bold statement, perhaps, so join me as I examine the forces that have nudged society's service expectations up for the better. 

Monday, 2 November 2015

Rubbing shoulders with the titans of travel

Us and Them on Google Page 1

If you go down to Google's front page, you're sure of a big surprise ! 

Little Touches Details Club going cheek to cheek with you know who. Call it what you wish: a competition sandwich, a side order of them and us, but we are there, fair and square, in the Page 1 glare of any him or her that happens to stumble upon the search results for the term "Blackpool hotels."