Saturday, 25 June 2016

Hosp on the Box: The Hotel Inspector - The Black Bear

Hotel Inspector Episode 4 image courtesy of

Episode 4 is summarised on catch-up service My5 as:

"After filling a coaching inn full of surprise guests, Alex has to close the place down to show its owners how to get back on track."

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Hosp on the Box: The Hotel Inspector - Hotel Continental

Hotel Inspector Episode 3 image courtesy of

Episode 3 is summarised on catch-up service My5 as:

"Alex has some tough advice for a creative couple who own a quirky beachside hotel in Harwich, Essex, which is in dire financial straits."

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Hosp on the Box: The Hotel Inspector - Harrogate Motel

Hotel Inspector Episode 2 image courtesy of

Episode 2 is summarised on catch-up service My5 as:

"Alex turns her attention to a hotel located in the grounds of a stable, where the horses enjoy five-star facilities but human guests are treated less well."

Monday, 6 June 2016

Hosp on the Box: The Hotel Inspector - The Blue Inn

Hotel Inspector Episode 1 image courtesy of

Episode 1 is summarised on catch-up service My5 as:

 "Alex turns referee to solve a problem between a hotel manager and the owner, who monitors her every move on CCTV cameras from her office in Paris."